Life cycle assessment - Loopipak pallet covers and stretch polyethylene film

Quantified comparison of the environmental impact of our reusable cover with disposable film

Compare for a better choice

Measuring and calculating

This article presents the results of a life cycle analysis comparing the Loopipak europallet cover with single-use stretch plastic film, widely used in companies for storing and shipping goods on euro pallets. ​


Stretch plastic film is commonly used to hold goods in place and protect them from dust during storage and transportation, inside warehouses and when moving between sites. The material used is polyethylene. The thickness commonly used varies between 15 µm and 30 µm. In theory, this material can be recycled, but in practice this is rarely the case, as selective collection is poorly organised and few industrial processes are capable of treating thin films.


This analysis is carried out in accordance with the ISO14040/2017 standard. It includes a series of assumptions mentioned below.

The comparison provides an estimate of the relative impact of using the Loopipak cover compared with disposable plastic film. Superior performance has been observed in specific practical cases. A precise analysis must be carried out for each specific case.

Environmental impacts

Reducing CO2 emissions: Loopipak enables a minimum reduction in CO2 emissions by a factor of​ 20. Emissions are divided by 20 at the minimum. Calculated performance in real-life situations is often more than a factor of 40.

Overall environmental impact: Using Loopipak reduces the environmental impact of disposable plastic film by a factor of at least 350, with a potential reduction of up to a factor of 2000 in specific cases.

Reuse and Return

Number of reuses : The analysis is based on 20 reuses of the Loopipak cover. In practice, it is designed for much greater reuse, and repairing it will greatly extend its life. Tests in real-life conditions have shown that it can be reused more than 100 times.

Managing losses: As a reusable material, Loopipak has a positive environmental impact from the moment it is first used. However, effective returns can significantly improve this impact.

Logistical considerations ​

Impact of the return journey: The return of Loopipak is included in the analysis, with an estimate of a return journey by carrier van over an average distance of 100 km. . 

Use of in-house delivery service: Using your own delivery service for the return of Loopipak can further reduce CO2 emissions by at least a factor of 2. ​

Analysis Methodology

The life cycle analysis compares packaging on several parameters, including resource consumption, CO2 emissions, and impact on ecosystems and human health. The results are combined on two dimensions (resource consumption and impact on ecosystems and health) for a clear comparison.

Other hypotheses put forward

  • Recycling rate for disposable plastic film: 0%.
  • Number of pallet wraps with plastic film: 7
  • Dimensions of plastic film: 50cm wide, 15 µm thick
  • Cleaning the Loopipak cover: manual washing with steam, every third time
  • End-of-life packaging: incineration and energy recovery

Carrying out the LCA

This LCA was carried out by Positive Transition srl ([email protected]).

Loopipak April 28, 2024

Tuto : La meilleure façon de remplacer le film plastique pour palette : la housse réutilisable LOOPIPAK